Inside the addiction category we’ve seven fellowships – NA (Narcotics Anonymous), AAA (All Habits Confidential), CA (Crack Anonymous), CDA (Chemically Dependent Anonymous), CMA (Crystal Meth Anonymous), MA (Marijuana Private), Denver-Anon (for relatives and buddies of addicts), Nar-Anon (for friends and family members of addicts),and NicA (Nicotine Anonymous). This can be followed closely by the three inside the gambling addiction group containing GA (Gamblers Anonymous), Gam-Anon/Gam-A-Teen (for pals and categories of problem gamblers), and OLGA (Online Gamers Unknown). Then you’ll find the nine sex and intercourse addiction fellowships made up of SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous), COSA (Codependents of Sex-Addicts), SLAA (Intercourse and Love Addicts Unknown), COSLAA (CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous), SA (Sexaholics Anonymous), S-Anon (couples and household members of sexaholics), SCA (Sexual Compulsives Anonymous), SWA (Gender Workers Nameless), and SIS (Gender Market Children). These are Dep-Anon (Depressed Private), DDA (Dual-Diagnosis Unknown), DRA (Double Recovery Confidential), NAIL (Neurotics Private), OCA (Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous), SA (Schizophrenics Anonymous), SMA (Self-Mutilators Anonymous), CLUB (Social Phobics Anonymous), Oregon (Workaholics Anonymous), CLA (Clutterers Anonymous), DA (Individuals Anonymous), and SA (Spenders Anonymous). They are ABA (Anorexics and Bulimics Unknown), CEA (Compulsive Eaters Unknown), EAA (Consuming Addictions Confidential), EDA (Eating Disorders Confidential), FA (Food Addicts in Restoration Anonymous), FAA (Food Addicts Anonymous), GSA (GreySheeters Anonymous), and OA (Overeaters Anonymous). These are Section 9 (Lovers in Restoration), CoDA (Codependents Unknown), EA (Feelings Anonymous), EHA (Mental Health Private), FA (People Private), RCA (Retrieving Couples Anonymous), and SIA (Survivors of Incest Anonymous). – To show the ability of the 12 Steps and their versatility in app to some substantial selection of problems.
So that you come full-circle, you might come back to your beginning paragraph.
Will there be a TAA (Tv Lovers Unknown)? Think about a DiabetAnon (Diabetics Confidential) or even a CPA (Couch Potatoes Unknown)? Can you think of the few more?